
Centrum Informacji Turystycznej Muszyna

Tourist Information Centre Muszyna

Stanowisko punktu informacji turystycznej w Muszynie - lada ułożona w okrąg zlokalizowana pod schodami

ul. Rynek 34 - budynek Ratusza na płycie rynku, 33-370 Muszyna Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 185349161
The Tourist Information Point in Muszyna – a counter arranged in a circle under the stairs

The Tourist Information Centre (CIT) in Muszyna is housed in the elegant new Town Hall, a building styled in the fashion of the 19th century. Of course, you will find it in the beautifully-restored Market Square, one of the many landmarks of this charming town. CIT is a vast treasury of knowledge about Muszyna and its picturesque surroundings.

Every tourist can obtain free maps with places worth visiting plotted on them, as well as numerous materials on tourist and cultural attractions and accommodation and gastronomy bases. The CIT website also features film guides to Muszyna and its surroundings, including Żegiestów. In its heyday, this resort, which few people remember, was called the pearl of Polish spas. And today its facilities, picturesquely tucked into the forest on the steep slope of the most beautiful part of the Poprad Gorge, on the road from Muszyna to Piwniczna and Stary Sącz, are very impressive.

The courteous and well-informed CIT staff tell you fascinating local legends and inform you about the colourful history and unusual attractions with a flair. They suggest where and maybe what to eat, where might be the best accommodation for you, and where to go to find the most beautiful and scenic routes. Due to the number of attractions in Muszyna and its surroundings, choosing where to go and what to see takes a little effort, so the advice of experts who know the area very well will come in handy.

Suffice it to mention the impressive Wooden Architecture Route, which features Muszyna's small-town buildings as well as Roman Catholic churches and Orthodox churches, including those on the prestigious UNESCO World Heritage List. Muszyna also features the largest themed gardens in Poland – Sensory Gardens and Bibl Gardens –as well as Malnik Mountain with its observation tower offering a magnificent view of the Bielsko-Biała Tatra Mountains, the reconstructed Baszta Castle with a picturesque view of the Poprad River and the vast surroundings, and last but by no means the least, the Family Park.

Of course, we must not forget the Beskid Sądecki itself – a land of gentleness, a place where life moves a little slower and whose mountains and valleys are the ideal place to wander unhurried, savouring every moment in commune with wild nature. We will be absorbed by beautiful views, forests, mountain ridges and valleys shimmering in a palette of colours and hues, charming towns, wooden Roman Catholic churches and Orthodox churches, and a rich and unusual culture. It is also a borderland, ethnically colourful and culturally diverse – it has always been and continues to be a place where faiths, cultures, peoples and nations meet. An intriguing cultural melting pot with numerous national, ethnic and religious minorities – a Little Homeland for the Poles, Armenians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Jews, Lemkos and Roma living here. It is a land of spas, centuries-old monuments, and today's deserted Lemko villages, once teeming with life. It is a land of great history and great wars.

It is also a Bicycle Friendly Place – MPR.

More about Bicycle Friendly Places and VeloNatura can be found at