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Holy Trinity Church Czarny Dunajec

Holy Trinity Church Czarny Dunajec

Widok z lotu ptaka. Na wprost na rogu ulic stoi murowany kościół o jasnych ścianach i zielonym dachu z blachy, z wysoką kwadratową wieżą z wieżyczką z baniastym hełmem i z sygnaturką. Za nią długa niższa nawa z dachem dwuspadowym, z wieżyczka z sygnaturką. Po lewej przybudówka. Na około trawniki i alejka oraz murowane ogrodzenie. Po lewej stronie ulica, kilka samochodów, dalej zabudowania pomiędzy drzewami. Po prawej na trawniku wysokie drzewa, przed nimi i za budynki. W tle łąki, pola i niewielkie wzniesienia. Niebo z niewielkimi chmurami.

ul. Rynek 34, 34-470 Czarny Dunajec Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182657224
The Holy Trinity Church reigns over the small 19th-century market square. The temple was built between 1864 and 1871 on the site of the previous one, which burned to the ground during the village fire of 1859. This fire almost completely ravaged the village. During the reconstruction of the church, the Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary was added to the building.

The present-day parish church building dates from 1871. It is located at 34 Rynek Street and is one of the largest historic monuments in the area next to the now defunct Jewish cemetery. Initially, there was a wooden structure, built in the mid-16th century, standing on the site of the today’s brick church.

The parish of Czarny Dunajec has been in existence since the 17th century, when the son of the village founder, Jan Miętus, entered in the town books of Myślenice a deed to establish the parish of Czarny Dunajec under the invocation of the Holy Trinity. The 18th and 19th centuries were difficult times for the church in Czarny Dunajec. In 1787, half of the residential buildings in the village burned down in a fire, along with the wooden church. Only a dozen years after the new temple was rebuilt, the vault was damaged. A brick church was then built, but this too was consumed by fire in the mid-18th century.

The church we can see today in Czarny Dunajec was rebuilt thanks to the involvement of the local community. The work was completed in 1871 and continues to serve the local community to this day. Many renovations were made in recent years, including the restoration of the façade and modifications inside the church: new flooring, lighting and heating. The surroundings of the temple were also taken care of.

Today, the Church of the Holy Trinity is a landmark of Czarny Dunajec and one of its most visited sites.