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All Saints Church, Bobowa

All Saints Church, Bobowa

Na wprost duży, murowany kościół o bielonych ścianach, z wysokimi podporami i dachami pokrytymi blachą. Z trójbocznie zamkniętym prezbiterium z wysokimi prostokątnymi oknami, nieco wyższą nawą z trzema oknami i kwadratową wieżą ze smukłą wieżyczką. Na łączeniu dachów nawy i prezbiterium wieżyczka z sygnaturką i zdobienie z cegły. Po lewej duży ekran. Po prawej drzewo i fragment budynku. Niebo częściowo zachmurzone.

ul. Kolegiacka 1, 38-350 Bobowa Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 535327721
The Church dates back to the 2nd half of the 14th century. In 1529, the Bishop of Kraków, Piotr Tomicki raised it to the dignity of a collegiate church. In the years 1561–1592 it was a Lutheran church. It houses a valuable and unusual painting by Jacek Malczewski, ‘The Crucifixion.’

The parish in Bobowa was established with the founding of the town before 1339. Although the Church was built around 1344, it was first mentioned in 1412. It was renovated in the 17th century, and a chapel was added. In 1889, after a fire, it was rebuilt.

Despite being rebuilt in the Baroque style, the Church retained its original Gothic character. The building has a single nave, a three-sided closed presbytery with a vestry and a chapel covered by a dome with a lantern and a square tower topped by a pyramidal spire roof. Buttresses support the exterior of the Church. The gable roof is covered with sheet metal with a little bell tower. The vaults inside the chancel are Gothic, cross-ribbed from the 14th century. A Gothic pointed-arch portal from the 15th century leads to the nave from the west. The other portals are Baroque from the 2nd half of the 17th century. The interior is decorated with figural-ornamental polychromes made in 1966–1967 by Adam Konteczko and Henryk Wójcik. The two side altars are neo-Baroque from the 20th century. Noteworthy is the Baroque chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows, rescued from a fire in 1889, with a Rococo altar from the 2nd half of the 18th century with a miraculous painting of Our Lady of Sorrows. A neo-Baroque pulpit from the 20th century, a Baroque stone stoup, neo-Gothic confessionals and pews from the late 19th century are inside. On the side wall of the presbytery hangs the most valuable painting, 'The Crucifixion' by Jacek Malczewski from 1904–1908. It is an oil on canvas, which Count Stanisław Zborowski funded and commissioned from the painter. The painting was on the main altar, but the priests and the faithful replaced it with a copy of the painting 'The Crucifixion'  by Antoine van Dyck, painted by Jan Warchałowski in 1916. Later, the painting was stored in the attic and then moved to the Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows. The painting refers to Passion scenes in the Spanish Baroque type. The painter showed an excellent knowledge of anatomy and the stages of dying. Malczewski spent many hours creating the work in the dissecting room, looking at the body of a 36-year-old suicide.