
Kaplica cmentarna świętego Sebastiana Maniowy

The Cemetery Chapel of St. Sebastian in Maniowy

Na trawie kaplica, drewniana, wysoka z podwójnym dachem pokrytym gontem, z wieżyczką z sygnaturką z hełmem. Z podcieniami na około wspartymi na drewnianych słupach. Wokół wysokie cztery choinki. Z lewej drewniany płot. W oddali łąki i zalesione wzgórza pod bezchmurnym niebem.

ul. Mickiewicza, 34-436 Maniowy Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 182750913
tel. +48 182750503
The Cemetery Chapel of St. Sebastian in Maniowy was moved, together with the cemetery, to Nowe Maniowy in 1987-88.
The chapel in Stare Maniowy was located in the country cemetery on the Dunajec River. It was built in 1722 by the inhabitants of Maniowy and the surrounding area out of gratitude for surviving the plague. The chapel was erected using larch wood and log construction. The walls are shingled and underneath the external arcade (soboty) there is no boarding. On the west side of the roof there is a bell turret, crowned by a small cupola with a spire.