
Grób księdza Józefa Tischnera Łopuszna

Rev. Józef Tischner’s Grave Łopuszna

Kamienny nagrobek z nierówną betonową płytą, niczym góry, z żelaznym krzyżem, na którym w żelaznym sercu wybito imię i nazwisko. Za grobem dwie choinki. Obok na kamieniach stoją znicze a między nimi kwiaty w donicach. Za grobem trawnik, dalej widoczny drewniany płot z kamiennymi murkami. W oddali dom. Po lewej za płotem wysokie choinki. Niebo bezchmurne.

ul. Podhalańska 17, 34-432 Łopuszna Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

Łopuszna is a village located at the foot of the southern slopes of the Gorce Mountains, in the Nowy Targ County.
The main attraction of the village is the 15th-century wooden church of the Holy Trinity and St. Antony the Abbot situated on the Wooden Architecture Route of the Małopolska Province. The village is also home to the Tetmajer family’s manor house built circa 1790 (and rebuilt at the end of the 19th century), where a branch of the Tatra Museum is open. Łopuszna and the Gorce Mountains were very important places in the life of an outstanding figure – Rev. Józef Tischner. Having graduated from theological studies at the Jagiellonian University and a seminary in Kraków, he was ordained to the priesthood in 1955. He continued education at the Faculty of Christian Philosophy of the Warsaw Theological Academy and the Faculty of Philologies and History of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He was the chaplain of the Podhalan Union, for which he celebrated Masses in the chapel at the foot of the Turbacz summit. Tischner’s solid philosophical education allowed him to develop his own interesting ideas, which he presented in many books. Józef Tischner died in Kraków in 2000. His grave with an interesting tombstone resembling the Gorce Mountains is located in the parish cemetery in Łopuszna.