
Karcma u Borzanka Nowy Targ

Karcma u Borzanka Nowy Targ

Wnętrze karczmy w piwnicy, kamienne łukowe sklepienie, stoły przykryte brązowymi i kremowymi serwteami, krzesła z drewna.

ul. Waksmundzka 105, 34-400 Nowy Targ Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182641087
tel. +48 603331919
Bicycle Friendly Place (MPR)
'Hej, popijoj, popijoj, Borzanka nie mijoj! Hej, Borzanka nie minies, Nie bój się, nie zgninies ...' this is how the first travellers on the Gothic route used to sing when they entered this inn, the oldest in Nowy Targ and on the entire route, on the wine and salt route from Hungary via Nowy Targ to Wieliczka.

Karcma u Borzanka is the continuation of an 18th-century inn, which was taken over by the Treasury in 1976, fell into disrepair, and collapsed in 1990. On its site, the former owners, the Borzęcki family, built the current inn, which opened in 2003 after reclaiming the property in 1992. The specialities of traditional cuisine served in the inn have found a setting appropriate to the inn's centuries-old history. The inn specialises in dishes typical of Podhale and Polish cuisine. It is based exclusively on tried and tested local products. The restaurant's specialities include korytko góralskie (from 1 to as many as 100 people), potato flatbread (moskole) with garlic butter, and grilled oscypek with cranberry. So, let us sing together: Hej Borzankowe imie nigdy nie zaginie! Hej ani na wiersycku, ani na dolinie!'
Karcma u Borzanka was awarded a distinction in the 2023 Tourist Treasures of Małopolska competition in the category 'Staying as a guest. Culinary offer.'