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Car Trail: From Nowy Wiśnicz to Myślenice along the history trail

Car Trail: From Nowy Wiśnicz to Myślenice along the history trail

Na wprost wysoki, murowany zamek. Od prawej z okrągłą wysoką basztą z małymi oknami. Dalej schody po dwóch stronach do wysokiego budynku , pięciokondygnacyjnego z wieloma oknami i niskim dachem krytym dachówką. Obok po lewej wysoka wieża prostokątna i dalszy fragment wysokiego zamku. Na końcu druga wysoka, okrągła baszta. Po lewej niski budynek . Z tyłu kamienne ogrodzenie i wysokie drzewa. Przed zamkiem alejki między trawnikami. Niebo częściowo zachmurzone.
Nowy Wiśnicz Tourist region: Pogórza
Do you know where the first cookbook in Polish was written? Where did Jan Matejko like to spend his time, and where is the drinking water reservoir for part of Kraków? The following tour will give you answers to all these questions! We invite you on a journey that will surely surprise you!

Piktogram długość trasy 57.5 kilometres.

Piktogram miejsce startu szlaku parking lot next to the castle.

Piktogram dojazd road no. 965 connecting Bochnia (in the north) with Limanowa (in the south). After reaching Market Square in Nowy Wiśnicz, turn following the sign to the town of Uszew (it is on national road no. 75; from this side, you can also get to the starting point). After going down, leave the main street and go straight to the castle (about 400 metres). The parking lot is at its foot, on the left side of the street. If there are no spaces here, you must return to the mentioned intersection, which has a larger parking lot.

Piktogram mapa


The trip starts in Nowy Wiśnicz. The town has retained the atmosphere of Galician towns and impresses with its monuments. Its origins date back to the 14th century when the Kmita family built a defensive castle. Two centuries later, the property was bought by the Lubomirski family. The times of glory began during the life of Stanisław Lubomirski, who founded many buildings of the emerging city.

It is worth mentioning that it was here that the first cookbook in Polish was created at the end of the 17th century!

The charm of Wiśnicz

Parking your car in the parking lot above will allow you to reach conveniently two exciting places. The first is the Wiśnicz Castle, which enchants with the charm of a Baroque magnate defensive residence and is second only to Wawel in size. The second one is the Koryznówka manor house located nearby (150 metres), where Jan Matejko often rested and worked, alone or with his family. A little further there is another interesting object, currently unavailable to visitors. We are talking about the Discalced Carmelite Monastery, visible from afar, which currently serves as a prison.

While in the area, it is worth visiting the 400-lecia Wiśnicza Park. One of its main attractions is an educational path with models of castles, with plaques describing their history and interesting facts. The park also has a playground for children and chess stations.

After visiting this part of the town, it is time to go to its centre. The street you used to get to the castle will take you there. On the way, you will pass the building of the Museum of the Wiśnicz Land. Its collections include, among others, original prison shackles from the local castle and a richly decorated cannon barrel from the 17th century, discovered in 2006. Next to the Museum is a monument to Juliusz Kossak, born and baptized in Wiśnicz.

Piktogram parkingYou can park the car in one of the numerous parking lots near Market Square.

In the centre of the town, the town hall and the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary are worth visiting. The first was founded at the beginning of the 17th century by Stanisław Lubomirski. Initially, it was a single-story building, destroyed by fire in 1863 and rebuilt in its current shape.

The city's founder, Stanisław Lubomirski, was also the founder of the church, built in the same period as the town hall. Valuable equipment elements include a baptismal font made of wood and brass, a wooden tabernacle, an organ, and the choir.

Three interesting churches and a sandy beach

You will continue your journey following the signs to Nieznanowice. If you have not left the street leading from the Castle, you should go straight through the intersection with road no. 965. The road winds through the hills of the Wiśnickie Foothills through Olchawa and Zabawa, leading after 10 kilometres to Sobolów, one of the oldest villages in the Bochnia region; the first mention of its existence comes from 1262! Right next to the road, on the left, there is the wooden Church of All Saints with rich baroque and rococo furnishings and colourful polychrome on the walls. The painting of the Virgin Mary and Child on the main altar dates to 1585.

Piktogram parking Car park near the church, on the left side of the road.

There is also the Eco Museum in Sobolów, which collects objects used in the Polish countryside at the turn of the 20th century. Visiting this extraordinary place allows you to travel back in time and learn fascinating details about everyday life on former farms.

Driving further, keep following the signs to Nieznanowice, which you will reach after 7 kilometres, crossing the bridge over the Raba River. After reaching road no. 967, cross it straight and follow the church in Niegowić, visible in the distance (slightly on the left). After about 400 metres, you will turn left, and after another 900 metres, turn right after reaching a wider street. Soon, you will find yourself at the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is one of the oldest parishes in Małopolska, where Karol Wojtyła, later Pope John Paul II, began his priestly service. This fact is commemorated by two plaques and a monument to the young vicar made of granite and bronze by an Italian sculptor.

Piktogram parking Near the church, on the left side of the street.

On the main altar, there is a painting of Our Lady of Niegowić from 1610, on which a silver dress was put on in 1918 as a votive offering for regaining independence, and in the chapel, there is a life-size replica of the Vatican grave of John Paul II.

After visiting the church, it is worth catching your breath and going to the Kuter Port Nieznanowice recreation complex approximately 2 km away, which attempts to recreate the atmosphere of a seaside recreation centre. There is a sandy beach, a swimming area, a fishing spot, a restaurant, and a recreational space. It is the perfect place for a moment of relaxation.

After resting and eating, it's time to head towards nearby Gdów. When reaching the town, you do not enter the ring road but consistently drive straight. Once in the centre (5 kilometres from the centre, 29.5 kilometres from the beginning of the route), you need to turn right and look for a parking space at Market Square.

Piktogram parkingParking spaces are located on Market Square, near the gas station.

The purpose of the visit is to visit the Church of the Naitivity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Since 2004, it has had the status of a Marian sanctuary. This is related to the image of Our Lady of Gdów, before which King Władysław Jagiełło prayed, asking for a descendant. The prayer was effective because Casimir (a founder of the Jagiellon dynasty) and Władysław III of Varna were born. Over the centuries, many requests made to Mary in Gdów have been answered, which is why her image is a cult object.

It is also worth paying attention to the Rococo altars made by a local craftsman called 'Wit Stwosz from Gdów' due to his craftsmanship.

The journey continues west, towards Myślenice. From road no. 967, turn right at the roundabout onto road no. 964 leading to Wieliczka. After driving 600 metres, you enter the local parish (right) at a sharp turn to the left.

Piktogram parking Parking spaces are near the new church.

In Dziekanowice, two temples standing next to each other are worth visiting. Let's start with the 12th-century Church of St. Magdalene and St. Nicholas. It is one of the most valuable religious buildings in Małopolska, built in the Romanesque style. Some of the polychrome from that period and rich baroque furnishings have survived. Some of its elements, including the organ from 1741 and the 17th-century painting of Our Lady of Dziekanowice, were moved to the new church, which is the Sanctuary of the Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The temple is strongly associated with Karol Wojtyła, who consecrated it as archbishop in 1966 and, in 1991, crowning the image famous for its graces.

Dobczyce and Myślenice

The next part of the journey is towards Dobczyce. Cross the bridge over the Raba River and turn right to find yourself at the foot of the local castle.

Piktogram parking The best place to leave your car is at the foot of the stronghold, at Podgórska Street.

It's time to walk around Dobczyce. Here, there is picturesque Market Square and the Church of Our Lady Help of Christians. The temple furnishings come from various periods, and the modern polychrome, depicting the miracles and teachings of Jesus Christ, is interesting.

While in Market Square, you can take advantage of the rich offer of numerous catering outlets, because you will face quite a challenge: a trip to the castle hill. To enter it, turn right from the church, pass the characteristic Volunteer Fire Brigade station building and turn right into Kazimierza Wielkiego Street. After a while, you go past a cemetery and reach a hill after a few minutes of climbing. Then, turn right again and go towards the visible Church of St. John the Baptist, near which there is a spreading linden tree, supposedly planted shortly after the victory of King John III Sobieski at Vienna.

The next steps should be directed towards the Royal Castle and the nearby Open-Air Museum of Wooden Folk Construction. The hill offers a beautiful view of the Dobczyce Reservoir from which most of Kraków draws its water. It is not possible to enter the dam crest from this side. Directions on how to get there are provided below.

Continue your journey along the same street you used to arrive at the parking lot, turning left and returning over the bridge on the Raba River to the roundabout on road no. 967.

Piktogram opcja wycieczki How to climb to the top of the dam? First, at the beginning, you need to check whether it will be possible to see it during your trip. As the dam is a strategic object, it is sometimes not open to tourists. Turn left after the bridge; after driving about 350 metres, you can leave your car in a large area near the skate park. The rest of the route must be covered on foot. You should go straight along the dam wall, visible on the left. The ascent to the top takes about 15 minutes, with a distance of 800 metres to cover.

And now you have a 12-kilometre section to Myślenice. Soon, you will cross a bridge over one of the branches of Lake Dobczyckigo. Then, you will move through other towns. When entering Myślenice, stick to the main road, pass under the overpass running through national road no. 7, i.e. the popular 'Zakopianka,' and head towards the centre along Słowackiego Street. In the place where the street curves to the right, turn into Żeromskiego Street and, while driving there, look for a place to park your car.

Piktogram parking In this part of the town, it is difficult to find a place to leave the car. You can continue along Słowackiego Street until you reach the characteristic ellipse-shaped intersection and turn right into Kościuszki Street to enter Market Square, but parking spaces there are rare and are not free. Moreover, due to the one-way traffic on many streets, leaving from here for further travel is quite difficult.

After finding a parking space, go straight to Myślenice Market Square. At the opposite end, there is the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Myślenice. A 16th-century image of Mary, which was initially the property of Pope Sixtus V, is worshipped here.

The first stone house was built at Market Square in 1784, and its owners were the Oboński couple. Today, it is No. 27.

After pleasant and peaceful moments spent at Market Square, it is worth taking a trip to Zarabie, the recreational part of the city. You can go for a quiet walk along the Raba river and discover the charm of Zarabie. The walking route may initially follow the red trail. Following it, after a while, you will reach the church of St. Francis of Assisi, located on Zdrojowa Street (the temple, located in a natural setting, is protected by a saint considered the patron saint of ecology). Zamkowa Street will lead you to the foot of the slopes of Chełm, where the Zamczysko nad Rabą reserve and the ruins of a medieval castle (the walk takes about 10-15 minutes). After visiting these places, after returning to Raba, we suggest turning left and walking 600 metres to reach the lower station of the cable car to Chełm, which is part of the Sports Arena Myślenice ski station.

The area has many restaurants, places for active recreation, playgrounds, swimming areas, the Adventure Park, a rope park, and volleyball and badminton courts.

Maybe for longer…

The route described above can be an idea for a one-day trip, but it can also be supplemented with an additional element: a hike on one of the nearby hiking trails. Here are two suggestions:

You can discover Małopolska in many ways, using our tips or alone. Any way is good. It's worth it.