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The Devil Rock reserve in Bukowiec

The Devil Rock reserve in Bukowiec

Skały zlokalizowane w kompleksie leśnym w Rezerwacie przyrody Diable Skały w Bukowcu.

Bukowiec Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

“Devil rocks” from one million years ago
This inanimate nature reserve near Bukowec was created in 1953 to protect the rocks created from sandstone several millions of years ago. The complex of rocks covers an area of as much as 16 ha. There is also a crevasse cave created by the tectonical processes, called the Devil’s Hole. The tourist trail along the rocks was created already before the war. Visiting the reserve, we will encounter 9 rocks which, according to the legend of the local people, were brought from Hungary by a devil in his claws. Each site has its name and an information plate dedicated to the particular rock, which will also tell us which plants and animals live in the surroundings. List of rocks / stops: 1 – “Devil” 2 – “Rock blocks” 3 – “Two Rocks” 4 – view point 5 – “Lonely Rock” 6 – “Boulder” 7 – “Devil’s Hole” cave 8 – “Mushroom” 9 – “Kappa Rock”.