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Lookout Tower in Bruśnik

Lookout Tower in Bruśnik

Wieża widokowa, posiadająca pięć tarasów widokowych, na wzniesieniu.

Bruśnik Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

Opened in 2013, the viewing tower in Bruśnik is 23 metres high. It has five observation decks, the highest of which is 18 metres above the ground.

The lookout tower in Bruśnik is a steel construction finished with wood, thanks to which it has a peculiar appearance – it resembles a hunting pulpit, which makes it blend in perfectly with the surroundings.
The tower is equipped with telescopes and tourist panoramas with descriptions of the visible hills. The tower offers views on the Beskids and Foothills, including Chełm, Maślana Mountain, Bucze, the massif of Magura Małastowska or Magura Wątkowska. When the visibility is good, you can also see St. Martin's Mountain and a large part of the Brzanka range. Next to the tower is a gazebo with a grill and bicycle racks. Admission to the tower is free and you can visit it at any time.
There is a tourist shelter and a car park next to the tower. It is best to get there from Ciężkowice by road No. 981 and in Pławna turn right following the signs to the tower. Right next to the viewing tower runs the blue PTTK trail from Tarnów through Tuchów, the Brzanka Range, the Skamieniałe Miasto (Petrified City), the Manor House in Kąśna Dolna. It continues to the Rożnowskie Lake, the Island Beskids, the Gorce Mountains, the Pieniny Mountains and the Beskid Sądecki. Not far from the viewing tower, there is an interesting sandstone outcrop – Diable Boisko (Devil's Pitch).