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The Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Kasina Wielka

The Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Kasina Wielka

Wnętrze drewnianego kościoła. W centralnym punkcie zdobiony ołtarz z trzema figurami, na belce tęczowej krucyfiks, a po bokach ołtarze boczne z obrazami: Matki Bożej z Dzieciątkiem i Chrystusa. Pod ołtarzami kwiaty. Po lewej za ołtarzem bocznym wisząca ambona. Nawę z prezbiterium dzielą drewniane barierki.

Kasina Wielka 714, 34-741 Kasina Wielka Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 183314095
The temple is the oldest monument in the Mszana Dolna Commune. It was built in 1624. The founder was Jan Niewiarowski, a Knight of Malta, brother of Przecław Niewiarowski, owner of Kasina Wielka.

In 1678, a tower and part of the nave were added to the Church of St Mary Magdalene. The temple has survived in this form to the present day.

The church is a wooden, single-nave building. It has a single-pitched, gabled roof covered with shingles. In the middle of the church roof is a small so-called signature tower. The central tower, covered with traditional shingles, is topped by a Baroque bulbous dome inside which is a lantern.

Polychrome paintings with Baroque and late Baroque features decorate the church interior. The main altar features wooden figures representing St Mary Magdalene and the apostles Peter and Paul. On the walls are the Stations of the Cross from the 17th century. The rainbow beam features a crucifix and 17th-century Baroque figures of the Virgin Mary and St John carved from boards. Also noteworthy is a wall baptismal font dating to the 17th century.

The church is located on the Wooden Architecture Route

Worth seeing in the area! The village is situated in the Beskid Wyspowy, at 480–660 metres above sea level, between the peaks of Lubogoszcz, Śnieżnica, Ćwilin, and Wierzbanowska Góra. Kasina is crossed by Poland’s highest-altitude railway line, which runs from Nowy Sącz to Chabówka.  On the western slopes of Śnieżnica is a ski lift that belongs to Kasina.