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The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Chomranice

The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Chomranice

Na wprost z bliska drewniany kościół widziany od strony trójbocznego prezbiterium. Obok niższa zakrystia. Dalej widać wysoką nawę. Kościół pokryty dachem z gontem. Na środku dachu mała wieżyczka. Wokół trawa, alejka i kilka drzew. Całość otacza mur kamienny ze stacjami Drogi Krzyżowej. Przez koronę drzewa za kościołem przebija słońce. Niebo bezchmurne.

Chomranice 8, 33-394 Chomranice Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 184433608
tel. +48 516697216
The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Chomranice was built in 1691-92. Around the middle of the C19th a chapel of the Transfiguration of Our Lord was built onto the chancel.
A uniform shingled gable roof covers the nave and the narrower chancel, which is closed on three sides. The sacristy contains impressive ornamental polychrome decoration from 1767. The church fittings consist of: C18th rococo altars and, in the chapel, a C17th baroque altar, baroque pulpit and an C18th stone font. The main altar is adorned by a painting of Our Lady of Chomranice, said to grant graces. On the north-east side of the church there is a free-standing bell-tower from 1692.