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Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Łapsze Wyżne

Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Łapsze Wyżne

Słoneczny dzień. Widok z lotu ptaka. Na środku kościół o jasnych ścianach i stromym dachu z małą wieżyczką. Najpierw widać okrągłe prezbiterium, dalej długa, wyższa nawa z podporami i za nią wysoka, kwadratowa wieża z baniastym hełmem i sygnaturką u góry. Na około kościoła alejka, trawa i betonowe ogrodzenie. Po prawej ulica, przy niej domy. Po lewej wysokie drzewa przy ogrodzeniu, po drugiej ich stronie betonowy plac, za nim budynki pomiędzy drzewami. W tle wzgórza z drzewami i łąkami. Na niebie kłębiaste chmury.

ul. Kościelna 2, 34-442 Łapsze Niżne Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

tel. +48 182659777
The Church of Saints Peter and Paul was built at the end of the 18th century, but its architecture is reminiscent of the Gothic churches of the Spisz. It resembles the church in Kacwin by having a similar finial of a slender and high tower. The artistically rich interior makes the church a jewel of the Rococo style in the Polish Spisz. The main altar dating from 1776 contains a painting of Saints Peter and Paul and statues of Saints Simon the Apostle and John the Baptist, as well as a statue depicting the Coronation of the Virgin Mary. In addition to the side altars, the northern wall of the church contains the only trompe-l'œil altar in Spisz, painted directly on the wall and depicting St Joseph, the Infant Jesus and St John of Nepomuk.

The church is situated in the western part of the village, on a high terrace descending to the south towards the Łapaszański Brook. The church is oriented, the external walls are supported by massive buttresses. A single-nave, three-span church with a single-span, narrower presbytery with an apse. The body is on the rectangular plan. On the northern side of the chancel is a rectangular sacristy and on the southern side is a square porch. In front is a tower on a square plan with a vestibule in the ground floor. The tower is covered with a high tented roof. The roofs of the body are saddleback with separate ridges. The plastered church is built of stone. The roofs are covered with sheet metal. There is a wooden rafter and queen-post roof trusswork. The interior furnishings are of uniform Rococo design from 1760–1776. The main altar features a painting of the church's patrons, Saints Peter and Paul.  You can see there the pulpit with rich decorative woodcarving. There is a stone, Baroque-folk baptismal font with a wooden cover. The church is surrounded by a stone-walled, plastered fence. From the east and west are two gates flanked by cylindrical posts. The gate in the northern part of the fence has a large arcaded entrance with a segmental arch at the top. It is crowned by a tympanum with a cross and pinnacles on the sides. A small former mortuary building is integrated into the fence. The churchyard contains several graves of parish priests and church patrons.