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The Parish Church of St. Erasmus in Barwałd Dolny

The Parish Church of St. Erasmus in Barwałd Dolny

Pod prawie bezchmurnym niebem stoi na wprost na podmurówce drewniany kościół widziany z boku. Od lewej niższe prezbiterium z oknem, na które pada cień gałęzi drzewa. Dalej wyższa nawa z oknem i przybudówką z boku z małym oknem. Dalej wysoka, kwadratowa wieża z wieżyczką z baniastym hełmem i sygnaturką. Dach pokryty gontem. Przed nim zadbany trawnik i chodnik z kamieni. Po bokach gołe gałęzie drzew.

Barwałd Dolny 50, 34-124 Klecza Górna Tourist region: Beskid Mały i Makowski

tel. +48 338722028
The Parish Church of St. Erasmus in Barwałd Dolny was built in the second half of the C18th. It was financed by the district landlord, Jan Biberstein-Starowieyski.
The spire is a remnant of the previous C16th church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The layout, in which the spire is located to the east of the chancel, is unusual and rarely found. There is polychrome decoration dating from the end of the C18th, which features figurative, vegetative and geometric motifs. On the chancel ceiling you can see a painting of The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, while in the nave there is The Transfiguration of Our Lord on Mount Tabor. The main altar contains an C18th painting of St. Erasmus.