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Catholic House, Wadowice

Catholic House, Wadowice

Słoneczny dzień. Róg budynku trzykondygnacyjnego, z dwiema parami szerokich drzwi i wykuszem u góry. Po lewej stronie drzwi wisi tablica informacyjna. Po prawej ogrodzenie z metalowych przęseł. Przed budynkiem w cieniu stoi grupa młodych osób. Niebo z niewielką chmurą.

ul. Kościelna 3, 34-100 Wadowice Tourist region: Beskid Mały i Makowski

tel. +48 338233565
fax. +48 338233407
tel. +48 338232662
Starting from 1936, theatre plays were staged under the direction of a junior high school teacher, Fr. Edward Zacher.
The stage at the presbytery was characterized by an ambitious repertoire that attracted local theatre lovers. In 1936, Karol Wojtyła made his debut on this stage as a co-director of the play “Non-Divine Comedy”, in which he played one of the main roles – Count Henryk. Currently, the theatre room is used by the John Paul II Family Home Museum as a conference room, as well as cinema and exhibition hall.