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The Auxiliary Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Wola Radziszowska

The Auxiliary Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Wola Radziszowska

Wnętrze drewnianego kościoła. Po bokach ławki, dalej ołtarze boczne z obrazami w złoconych ramach. Nad nimi belka tęczowa z ukrzyżowanym Chrystusem i po bokach na ścianach malowane postacie Maryi i apostoła. Po lewej w prezbiterium wisząca ambona, na wprost w oddali ołtarz główny z obrazem. Na suficie malowany duży oraz i wkoło niego małe okrągłe.

Wola Radziszowska 1, 32-053 Wola Radziszowska Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 122754281
tel. +48 505014176
The Auxiliary Church was built at the end of the C15th. The spire was probably added at the turn of the C17th.
It is covered by a pointed pillar cupola with four corner turrets. The church is late-gothic and the walls and ceilings display polychrome decoration with figurative motifs from 1893: on the chancel ceiling – The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with lockets of the mysteries of the rosary, on the nave ceiling – Christ on Mount Tabor_, and on the walls – figures of the Apostles. One of the altars contains a recently discovered painting of St. Anne of Samothrace. Worth seeing in the area! In nearby Krzęcin, there is the wooden church from the end of the 18th century, with the beautiful Baroque furnishings.