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The Cemetery Chapel of St. Sebastian in Maniowy

The Cemetery Chapel of St. Sebastian in Maniowy

Na trawie kaplica, drewniana, wysoka z podwójnym dachem pokrytym gontem, z wieżyczką z sygnaturką z hełmem. Z podcieniami na około wspartymi na drewnianych słupach. Wokół wysokie cztery choinki. Z lewej drewniany płot. W oddali łąki i zalesione wzgórza pod bezchmurnym niebem.

ul. Mickiewicza, 34-436 Maniowy Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 182750913
tel. +48 182750503
The chapel in Stare Maniowy stood in the village cemetery located on the Dunajec River, serving as a cemetery chapel. In 1987–1988, it was moved with the cemetery from the bottom of the future Czorsztyńskie Lake to a hill in Nowe Maniowy.

The chapel was built in 1722 by the inhabitants of the village and the surrounding area as a votive offering of gratitude for being spared from the dysentery epidemic, through which 25 per cent of all villagers, or 130 people, died between 1720 and 1721. The chapel was renovated in 1938 under the direction of local master craftsman Andrzej Krzysik, then moved from the bottom of the future Czorsztyn reservoir to the new parish cemetery. Then, based on drawings and photographs, the previously destroyed arcades were reconstructed.

It is a larch timber building on a stone foundation of timber-frame construction with shingled walls underneath the satellites without formwork. On the shingle roof is a signature turret topped by an octagonal bulb with a spire. The body of the chapel is oblong, closed trilaterally without a separate presbytery. It is surrounded by low arcades on columns called ‘soboty’, covered by a shingled, steep and varied roof. The interior has a flat ceiling, the floor is made of planks. The chapel furnishings were moved to the new church and the Gothic triptych was moved to the National Museum in Kraków (a description National Museum Kraków). A modest altarpiece and two contemporary paintings have been preserved in the interior.

Today, the chapel is used as a cemetery repository. The building is located on the Wooden Architecture Route. (Link to Wooden Architecture Route website).