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Oboński family’s house Myślenice

Oboński family’s house Myślenice

Na wprost jasna, murowana, dwukondygnacyjna kamienica z szeroką bramą na środku, po bokach i na piętrze prostokątne okna. Przy środkowym oknie na piętrze obraz Matki Bożej i tablica z napisami. Wyżej murowana balustrada i osiem małych okien w dachu, pokrytym dachówką. Po prawej i lewe stronie budynku dwa nieco niższe. Przed szeroki chodnik. Niebo u góry bezchmurne..

ul. Rynek 27, 32-400 Myślenice Tourist region: Beskid Mały i Makowski

tel. +48 513769949
The first stone house in the history of the market square was erected in 1784; today it bears number 27. As has already been mentioned, it was founded by Oboński and his wife.
Apart from this house, they founded also some other buildings in the developing town, which became the capital of the district (an administrative unit in the Habsburg Monarchy) encompassing, among others, Rabka, Bielsko and Żywiec. It was originally a one-floor house, and a landing was added in the roof in the 20th century. Its characteristic element is the late Baroque façade with elements of historicism. The façade is adorned with a late Baroque portal situated in the entrance to the gate. The founder's name and the year of creation were engraved on the portal. Over the portal, we can see an oval medallion with the emblem of the house – a painting of Our Lady of Myślenice, a copy of which was made by Mieczysław Pitala. Over the middle part of the façade, we can see the attic (the wall crowning the elevation) with the motif of a handrail. The building was the seat of the town magistrate for years – apart from that, it fulfilled many various functions. It housed, for example, the Municipal Public Library, a modern art gallery or an educational community centre. Today it is home to a tourist information point, a branch of the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society “Lubomir”, the Kilometre 30 art gallery, the county television, the Polish Fishermen’s Association Branch in Myślenice