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Cloth dye shop, Orawka

Cloth dye shop, Orawka

Na wprost murowany, jednopiętrowy budynek otynkowany na biało, z poddaszem użytkowym, nakryty łamanym, mansardowym dachem, wklęsłym w dolnej kondygnacji, z kilkoma oknami, krytym gontem. Na parterze kilka okien i drzwi z boku i od frontu. Przed budynkiem trawa, po bokach drzewa. Na niebie cienkie chmury.

Orawka 19, 34-480 Orawka Tourist region: Beskid Żywiecki i Orawa

Situated near the Church of John the Baptist, the ground-floor brick house with a characteristic broken roof dates back to the 18th century.
It served as a salt warehouse on the Hungarian route for a short time, but the cloths distributed in closer and farther parts of the region were dyed here in the 19th century.