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White Inn of Podwilk Museum Orava Ethnographic Park Zubrzyca Górna

White Inn of Podwilk Museum Orava Ethnographic Park Zubrzyca Górna

Na trawie stoi otynkowany, bielony dom z wysokim, łamanym dachem pokrytym gontem, z facjatą i balkonem przykrytym daszkiem. Obramienia okien i drzwi pomalowane na niebieski kolor. Za budynkiem wysokie bezlistne drzewa. Po lewej mała drewniana szopa. Niebo częściowo zachmurzone.

34-484 Zubrzyca Górna Tourist region: Beskid Żywiecki i Orawa

tel. +48 182852709
The inn was built in the late 19th century and moved to the open-air museum from the village of Podwilk. It resembles a manor house with whitened walls, covered by a high curb roof.

The open-air museum, covering an area of 12 hectares, was opened in 1955. It presents the architecture and material and spiritual culture of the Orava region, formed from the combined influences of the settlement of Wallachian shepherds and farmers arriving from the northern part of Małopolska. More than 60 objects can be seen in the open-air museum, forming dozens of exhibitions on various themes, providing an insight into social life in Orava in the 17th–20th centuries.

One part of the park-like exhibition is the manor buildings. The other refers by its layout to the dispersed chain village most common in Orava. You can learn about the living conditions of the rural population in the peasant homesteads.  The buildings of the former industry showcase production processes and crafts people's work. There are also sacred and public buildings and small architecture, all surrounded by beautiful nature, creating a spatial arrangement of exceptional architectural and natural beauty.

The timber-framed White Inn of 1885 is a wide-fronted building of log construction, rendered, with whitewashed walls with blue-painted decorative window and door frames. It is covered by a peculiar shingle roof of the halfpeak-and-half-hipped type with a facade and balcony covered by a canopy. The facility hosts educational activities and temporary exhibitions.