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Alojzy Dziubek's Cottage from Jabłonki Orawskie Ethnographic Museum Zubrzyca Górna

Alojzy Dziubek's Cottage from Jabłonki Orawskie Ethnographic Museum Zubrzyca Górna

Drewniana chałupa ze stojącym przed nią płotem i ławką. Pokryta dachem czterospadowym, słomiano-gontowym. Pod nim balkon, niżej małe okienka i drzwi wejściowe. Po lewej płot i pień dużego drzewa ze stojącą ławką. Obok chałupy stoi wysoka wiecha. Za chałupą rosną choinki i drzewa liściaste. Musi być to czas jesieni bo na drzewach nie ma liści.

34-484 Zubrzyca Górna Tourist region: Beskid Żywiecki i Orawa

tel. +48 182852709
Alojzy Dziubek's cottage in Jabłonki is the first open-air museum in post-war Poland. A peasant dwelling from the first half of the 19th century is located on the grounds of the Orava Ethnographic Park Museum in Zubrzyca Górna.

The permanent exhibition of the Museum – Orava Ethnographic Park in Zubrzyca Górna consists of over 60 buildings and objects of so-called small architecture, which, together with the surrounding nature, constitute a spatial arrangement of exceptional architectural and natural values. The museum covers an area of approximately 12 ha. The first, older part around the manor house has a park-like character, while the newer part refers in its layout to the type of village most frequently encountered in Orava, the so-called dispersed chain village. The museum was established in 1937 thanks to a donation made by the heirs of the Moniak family. The open-air museum's unique charm is added by the mountain streams cutting through it. 

Alojzy Dziubek's cottage was covered with a straw-shingle roof (kijcok). It was built in 1839 and is a typical building for the basin part of Orava. Inside, there are three large rooms in an amphitheatre arrangement. The wealth of the house is emphasised by the two attic chambers (granaries).  A kind of gallery runs upstairs and is often used for, for example, drying linen.  The gallery can be climbed by a staircase located outside the building, passing the sundial. Note the beautifully carved wooden balustrade.

In the cottage, you can see an exposition of an Orava wedding chamber: the layout of the tables, the hierarchical arrangement of the guests, the costumes, the wall hangings, and the festive clothes of the Orava people.

The building is located on the Wooden Architecture Route (a description of the Alojzy Dziubek's Cottage from Jabłonki Orava Ethnographic Museum Zubrzyca Górna)