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War Cemeteries nos. 123 and 122 in Łużna–Pustki

War Cemeteries nos. 123 and 122 in Łużna–Pustki

Na cmentarzu za kilkoma drewnianymi krzyżami z daszkami stoi wysoka, bogato zdobiona kaplica. Z kwadratową wieżą z daszkiem czterospadowym. Na ścianach wieży duże jasne krzyże. Z tyłu wysokie drzewa i bezchmurne niebo.

Łużna-Pustki, 38-322 Łużna Tourist region: Pogórza

The largest of the war necropolises in Western Galicia dating from the time of the First World War, War Cemetery no. 123 is located in the beech forest on the steep slope of the mount.
This representative cemetery of the 4th Łużnia cemetery district was designed by Jan Szczepkowski. Once the necropolis was ornamented by a wooden gontina designed by Dušan Jurkovič, which unfortunately, burnt down in the 1980s. Particular quarters are located asymmetrically and are linked by paths and stone steps winding on the slope. The cemetery is the burial site of over 909 Austro-Hungarian, 65 German, and 226 Russian soldiers, killed not only during the Battle of Gorlice, but also during the first four months of 1915 in trench warfare. War Cemetery no. 122 is located several metres below. 154 Russian soldiers, killed on May 2, 1915, are buried there.In the spring of 1915, Pustki Hill was one of the key positions of the first line of Russian fortifications. The fights began on April 30.