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Presentation of current sources with cycle maps of the Małopolska region (paper and online).

Paper maps

Available at all tourist information points and at the Małopolska region stands at cycling events . Currently, the Vistula Bicycle Route and VeloDunajec maps and a guide with 50 bike tours are available.

Maps for self-printing

Current maps (2020 r.edition) in PDF for self-printing (format A4)

Maps VeloMałopolska PDF 2020

GPX tracks


Online maps

Maps on Google Maps (below is a summary map of all implemented / planned cycling routes in the Małopolska region).


After clicking on the trace of a particular route, its description is displayed together with a link which will lead you to a detailed map showing the progress of works / type of surface. Similar maps can also be found for trails and trips.

Please note, that GoogleMaps unfortunately does not yet include all ready sections of the VeloMalopolska network in its algorithm for determining the optimal selection of cycling routes.

Below you will find brief infographic on how to open the maps we publish directly in the Google Maps application.

Jak używać map w aplikacji Google Maps

Legend for online maps:

  • BP (black): asphalt bicycle paths separated from the traffic or pedestrian-bicycle routes (PBR), mainly along river embankments, suitable for all types of bicycles.
  • ROAD (grey): asphalt public roads being part of general traffic; they are mostly sections with calm or slight movement, suitable for all types of bicycles.
  • OTHER (red): fragments running on gravel roads / concrete pavements / dirt paths; they are not suitable only for road bikes, but cycling with any other type of bike (when it is dry) should cause no particular difficulty.
  • CONSTRUCTION (yellow): these sections may still be under construction, so the ride is either not possible or will not be too comfortable. After completion of the works, these sections will have a bituminous surface (asphalt / concrete).
  • PLANNED (purple): fragments that are just planned, along which either cycling is currently very difficult (off-road driving on dirt paths) or not even possible at all. Each of the sections is commented separately, because their planned construction dates are different.

We recommended to use mobile applications and other map portals and services

Application name logo Google Plat Logo App store
VisitMałopolska download download
MIIP Mobile download download
Tourist routes of the Małopolska region Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society (PTTK) download download

On-line maps are also located on the Geoportal of the Małopolska Infrastruktura Informacji Przestrzennej (MIIP) – user's manual

Main routes can also be found in the OSM base (, therefore most applications based on these bases (Komoot, LocusMap) should “see” all the finished sections of main routes (new sections put into service are being added to the OSM on a regular basis).

We also recommend the Małopolska region's PTTK  portal with walking and cycling routes (the finished sections of the VeloMałopolska network routes are marked on the map).

You can find previews of the routes in the form of hyperlapse video together with a record of rides on the portal

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