Hike in the eco rhythm!

Skalne okno nad Doliną Kościeliską
Summer is inexorably drawing to a close, and the carefree summer holidays have already become just a memory... However, it is not a reason to slow down your travelling. On the contrary, the September and October weekends are the perfect time to set off on the trail and explore the most beautiful corners of Małopolska on foot. The sun is no longer so hot that we only dream of taking shelter from the heat, and the autumn dullness is not yet a nuisance. It's worth packing a rucksack, putting on some comfortable shoes and setting off on a hike in search of the Indian summer... as far as your legs will carry you.

You will never be able to see as many details of the surrounding nature and landscape as when you travel on foot. It is one of the best ways to explore carefully. No lengthy preparations are needed; it is enough to spontaneously pack the most necessary things into a rucksack, put on comfortable shoes and appropriate clothes, and set off along the trail to discover new horizons.

Tęcza w górach

Every corner of Małopolska offers the easy to find trails that will be great for walking or trekking. They will also be perfect as Nordic walking routes, if only we decide to take our favourite poles with us. In Kraków, it is worth taking a walk along the paths of Podgórki Tynieckie. The dense forest, which will start to take on autumn colours in September, is a perfect place to practice Nordic walking or jogging. Stopping for a short rest in the charming fields, we can admire beautiful views of the surroundings without feeling that we are only a few kilometres from the centre of Kraków. For those who prefer marked hiking trails to orienteering on numerous unpaved forest paths, we recommend the green trail around Tyniec, which will lead to the most beautiful places in the area, including the famous Benedictine Abbey.

Opactwo tynieckie

In the Tarnów region, all hikers will be delighted by a walk around Iwkowa. The 15-kilometre loop along the red municipal trail is not difficult, and it takes only 4 to 5 hours to complete it. The route is very attractive in terms of landscape and cuisine. It is worth knowing that Iwkowa is famous for its smoked fruit - plums, apples, pears - the so-called Iwkowskie susorek. Start the march in the centre of the village, pass the church of the Elevation of the Holy Cross and turn right. Take the asphalt road and then the dirt road to reach the hills of the Wiśnickie Foothills with Szpilkówka on the horizon. On its top there is a tower with wonderful views of the Beskid Wyspowy, Żywiec and Sądecki mountains. Further on, after crossing a forested ridge through Piekarska Góra (515 m), with a cross commemorating the inhabitants' participation in the January Uprising, you will reach an atmospheric mountain hut called Biały Jeleń (White Deer), where you can have a snack and rest. You will return to the centre of the village along the path through Soltysie Góry (492 metres above sea level) and a dense forest. On the way, it is worth visiting the wooden Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Iwkowa, which is on the Wooden Architecture Route.

Góry w chmurach

A great idea for intermediate hikers as well as runners is a trip from the Folk Culture Museum in Sidzina along the green trail to Hala Krupowa, also known as Hala Sidzińska, where sheep used to graze until the 1980s. The Hala offers a beautiful view of the Tatra Mountains, the Gorce Mountains and the Orava Valley. Further on through the Kucałowa Pass located on the main ridge of the Polica Range (1148 m above sea level), you can reach the climatic PTTK mountain hostel on the Krupowa Pasture, which, interestingly, is not geographically located on the Pasture. The way back leads partly along the same trail, but at the crossroads you can turn to the black trail and return through the Ciśniawy hamlet. At the end of the trip you must visit the Museum of Folk Culture.


The paths around Mount Lanckorońska are perfect for a romantic, unhurried walk in beautiful natural surroundings. With its artistic, mysterious and somewhat magical atmosphere, it attracts people seeking rest and tranquillity. It is hard to imagine a better place for long conversations and confidences during walks... Only here can you take a loved one for a walk along the Avenue of Lovers and the Avenue of Silent Whispers... Mount Lanckorońska (550 m above sea level) is crowned with the ruins of a medieval castle. Wandering between historic villas, it is worth stopping at the Market Square, where the smell of baked goods from the nearby Siwków bakery will lead you. Nowhere else does fresh bread taste so good.

Krajobraz gór

Finally, a magical proposal... A hike from Wilczyce along the Rosary Road to Ćwilin. Such views are unforgettable! It is worth breaking a part of an autumn night for them, to welcome a unique sunrise on the summit or to see how the peaks of the Island Beskids emerge from the sea of fog like islands. This panorama fully justifies the name of this part of the Beskids. From here you can see Ostrą, Mogielica, Lubań, Jasień, Gorc, Kudłoń or Turbacz. If we are lucky and the visibility is good, our eyes will see the ranges of Beskid Sądecki and Magura Spiska, and even the Babia Góra Range with its highest peak, Diablak. The wonderful views and the joy of hiking will stay with us for a long time!

Góry pod błękitnym niebem

If you want to find inspiration for hiking in the Małopolska region, the guides to "Travel Małopolska in the Eco Rhythm" will, as always, help you! Just have a look at the website https://visitmalopolska.pl/de_DE/w-rytmie-eko . See you on the trail!

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