Wadowice Education, Town Museum

Widok przez drzwi na salę ze szkolnymi eksponatami, na ścianie duże zdjecie dzieci w mundurkach szkolnych.

The displayed student card from the 1930s was issued by the predecessor of today's primary school, the Comprehensive Male School, , that had been located in the Wadowice magistrate's building in the Market Square next to the parish church. Learning conditions were quite difficult due to a large number of students and a small number of rooms. 321 students attended the school in 1926 while only 9 teachers, a catechist and a teacher of the Jewish religion worked there. In the 1920s, school attendance was obligatory for children age six and up. Karol Wojtyła turned six in May 1926 and started school in the autumn of that year. However, the lessons started not on the 1st but on the 15th day of September. Summer holidays were prolonged due to the scarlet fever epidemic raging among children at the time.

The displayed wooden and metal spade with the following inscription stamped on it: ‘Budowa kopca Józefa Piłsudskiego Kraków Sowiniec 1935’ (‘Construction of the Józef Piłsudski Mound Sowiniec 1935’) commemorates the raising of the Józef Piłsudski Mound in July 1937, the youngest and the largest of the four mounds in Krakow. Various organisations participated in the action of raising the mound on the top of Sowiniec Hill in the Wolski Forest, e.g. the Riflemen's Association and the Polish Legionnaires' Association, and junior high school students. Young people from the Wadowice high school also participated, as evidenced by the commemorative spade. The honouring of Józef Piłsudski was carefully nurtured, his name days were solemnly celebrated, school mornings and academies were organised, services were held and legion songs were sung. A commemorative plaque dedicated to Marshal Piłsudski was founded by students and unveiled in the corridor of the building in 1934.


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