The manor house Bolesław

Dwór w Bolesławiu

The manor house is located in a park on the Olkusz-Bukowno road. The mid-19th-century manor is Neoclassicist, built of stone and brick that was erected on an elongated rectangular floor plan with an added part built at a right angle on the western side, in an L-shape. To the north are the grounds of a former garden which turns into an extensive 4-hectare park to the south. In the eastern part there was a complex of farm buildings, stables and a summer kitchen. These buildings had their own entrance gate on what today is Główna Street. The foundations and walls of the cellar are built of broken stone, field limestone, and dolomite from local quarries.

     The manor house presents solutions typical for 19th-century nobles' buildings. The facade has the basic compositional element of classicist architecture, namely, the front columned portico typical of19th-century countryside manors. Single-storey manors were usually modestly designed. A columned portico or porch gave them a presentable appearance. The final shape of the manor was influenced by renovations carried out by the subsequent owners adapting the building to their needs. The 1910 renovation changed the architectural form of the building. After the addition of a cornice, the facade rose, which meant that its height changed the slope of the roof and, at the same time, altered the proportions of the body of the building. The older part of the manor was covered with a four-pitch roof connected on the west side by an annex from around 1910. The building is included in the Register of Monuments of the Katowickie Voivodeship, (now the Małopolska Voivodeship, no.1297/83) and is subject to comprehensive legal protection.

    Currently, it houses the M. Płonowska Cultural Centre, which provides rich cultural offerings for the residents of the gmina (municipality) and its surroundings. The manor house and its immediate surroundings are a venue for local and non-local celebrations. There is a café in the manor's cellar and the adjacent park has been extensively renovated so that the residents can use it for recreation.

    Bolesław owes its name to Prince Bolesław V Wstydliwy ('the Chaste') from Kraków (1226–1279). During this ruler's reign, there were recorded cases of similar founding privileges in this area. The prince handed the village of Bolesław to the Kraków diocese. We learn about the first owners as early as in 1496; they were Anna of Bolesław, wife of Andrzej Kreza of Zawada, and later their son Mikołaj. The Krezas were co-owners of Bolesław together with Jan Wapowski
and Mikołaj Grobka. Before 1551, the Bolesław estate was bought by Marcjan Chełmski of the Ostoja coat of arms. Four subsequent Marcjans Chełmski owned Bolesław until 1678. From 1687 to 1795, the village belonged to the Romiszewskis. From 1768 to 1795, Bolesław belonged to Aleksander Saryyrusz Romiszewski, married to Teresa of the Firlej-Konarskis.

     After the death of Romiszewski, his daughter Aleksandra Zofia Moszczyńska, née Romiszewska, became the owner of Bolesław together with her husband, Count Hilary Ignacy Moszczyński. In 1801, the Moszczyńskis sold the manor to Jan Jordan from Zakiczyn, who passed the village onto his daughter, Justyna Łęcka, née Jordan. Justyna and Kolasanty Łęcki did not live in the Bolesław manor but in Skotniki. The manor was occupied by their daughter, Eleonora Agnieszka, who was married three times (her surnames were Tymkowska, then Rutkowska, then Łubieńska). She became the legal owner of Bolesław and the manor in 1842. In 1834, countess Rutkowska leased the Bolesław estates to Samelsch, a merchant from Kraków. In 1858, Konstancja's daughter, countess Romania Mycielska, née Rutkowska, inherited Bolesław.

      In 1867, the Bolesław estate was acquired by the Silesian industrialist Gustaw de Kramsta, who obtained the right to exploit calamine from the Mycielskis. Kramsta did not live at the manor. It was occupied by mine managers. After Kramsta's death, the estate went to his children. In 1891, ownership of the Bolesław estate and mines transferred to the Society of Sosnowiec Mines and Steel Works Joint Stock Company (Spółka Akcyjna Towarzystwo Sosnowieckich Kopalni i Zakładów Hutniczych). The manor was used to house mine managers. Its next residents were Franciszek Jasiński, then Stanisław Cissowski and his family. From 1942 to 1945, the manor was occupied by Germans holding managerial positions in the mine. After the war, the manor grounds and house became the property of the state treasury. The following mine directors lived here: Piotr Ofanowski, Henryk Maśkonkiewicz, Stanisław Jasiński, Leszek Grzybowski, Andrzej Zawada.

     In 1962–1969, the manor housed a maternity ward. In 1976–1977, it housed a Citizens' Militia (Milicja Obywatelska) station, then a Municipal-Communal Cultural Centre (Miejsko-Gminny Ośrodek Kultury) in Bukowina with its seat in Bolesław. Part of the manor was occupied by the director of the Cultural Centre, Stanisław Głogowski. After 1945, the manor's interiors were rebuilt several times, resulting in the permanent alteration of the original spatial layout.

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