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Cemetery Creators

Cemetery Creators

Cmentarz nr 51, Rotunda
Over 40 architects and sculptors worked on creation of the Galician war cemeteries. Among them were personalities of such a calibre as:

Dušan Jurkovič (1886–1947) – Slovak architect, builder, cultural and social activist. He designed and realized about 35 war necropolises, considered the most beautiful necropolises in the entire Galicia. In addition to the cemetery complexes, he also designed its particular elements and details, e.g. several versions of wooden grave crosses. He drew inspiration from local architecture, both in terms of form and materials (he often used wood). One of the most interesting cemeteries he authored include Cemetery no. 46 Beskidek in Konieczna, Cemetery no. 51 on Rotunda Mound near Regietów, and Cemetery no. 52 in Zdynia.

Gustav Ludwig (1876–1952) – Munich architect originating from Moravia, artistic director of the Limanowa Cemetery District. He designed such projects as the vast Cemetery no. 368 on Jabłoniec Hill near Limanowa and the folk-stylized chapel on Cemetery no. 361 in Krasne-Lasocice. He was also renowned as the creator of many types of iron-cast crosses characterized by rich ornamentation and used in most of the cemetery districts.

Hans Mayr (1877–?) – German architect and building engineer, artistic director of the Gorlice District. He designed e.g. war Cemeteries nos. 89 and 90 in Gorlice, no. 66 in Małastów, no. 70 in Owczary, nos. 79 and 80 in Sękowa. He also designed the very common tall central cross, made of logs, with a semi-circular tin cover.
Heinrich Karl Scholz (1880–1937) – versatile and multi-talented sculptor, artistic director and chief designer of the Tarnów District. He authored most of the sculptures and reliefs in the district, and he sculpted both in wood and stone. He designed e.g. Cemetery no. 193 in Dąbrówka Szczepanowska, nos. 185–187 in Lichwin, and no. 191 in Lubcza.

Jan Szczepkowski (1878–1964) – Polish sculptor, artistic director of the Łużna district. He authored the tombstone monuments in the Hungarian soldiers’ plot on Cemetery no. 123 in Łużna-Pustki, as well as the entire spacial design of that necropolis. Szczepkowski also designed Cemetery no. 138 w Bogoniowice with the characteristic symbolic towers.
