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Łopuszna Manor House

Łopuszna Manor House

Słoneczny dzień. Na trawie jasny, jednokondygnacyjny budynek, z czterema oknami, po środku z gankiem i drzwiami. Nad gankiem zaokrąglona drewniana jaskółka. Dach podwójny, wysoki, pokryty gontem. Przed budynkiem wysokie drzewo i na rogu winorośl. Na około dużo drzew. Jedno z nich rzuca cień przed budynkiem.

ul. Gorczańska 2, 34-432 Łopuszna Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182015205
tel. +48 535668777
The manor house is the former seat of the Lisicki, Tetmajer and Ligocki families. In 1832, after the defeat of the November Uprising, Seweryn Goszczyński – poet, Belvederian, and combatant in the November Uprising – hid in the manor house. Built in the 18th century, the manor complex now houses a museum.

The manor house in Łopuszna was built by the Bar Confederate, Romuald Lisicki, at the end of the 18th century as a residence for the Tetmajer family. Seweryn Goszczyński described it in his Diaries of Travels to the Tatra Mountains: ‘A wooden house in the native style, not unlike all of our noble manors – spacious, orderly and well-built, adorned with a porch like not unlike other porches, with benches to the side for sitting, like everywhere else… A spacious courtyard is there in front of the manor, with a second guest house to the left, and an annex where the kitchen and servants’ apartment are located.’ Today, the manor house and the adjacent buildings are managed by the Tatra Museum in Zakopane, which has established a museum branch there. The main building is a typical country manor house – covered with a hipped, shingled roof, with a columned porch and a Baroque façade. The renovated manor house features a carefully-selected collection of 19th-century furniture and equipment, but also a fully equipped kitchen. Next to the manor house there is a wooden cottage, moved here from the nearby village, built in 1887 by Jan ‘Sowa’ Klamerus, which is confirmed by an inscription on a crossbeam in the living room.  The Klamerus family home was decorated mainly with artefacts purchased in the village. It consists of several well-furnished rooms – a hallway, a kitchen called an izbecka, a living room and utility rooms including an attic and a chamber built at the back of the house. From the hallway, which was used as a storage room for everyday objects – dishes, as well as small farm and agricultural equipment – the visitors move on to the izbecka. Its furnishings are relatively modest – a table near the stove was used for setting down kitchen utensils, and a pole installed between the stove and the opposite wall was used for hanging clothes. Dishes and small kitchen utensils were kept in an open cabinet or on a shelf. As in the case of many houses, there are dishes from different periods on display – from the wooden oldest ones, clay and cast-iron ones, to mass-produced metal enamelled dishes and faïence products. The history of the manor farm in Łopuszna dates back to the 16th century. The manor house itself was built later, around 1790.