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Zamek Dunajec Niedzica

Dunajec Castle Niedzica

Widok na Zamek Dunajec w Niedzicy z lotu ptaka. Wysokie mury z dwiema okrągłymi basztami. Dalej kwadratowa wieża, przy niej niższa okrągła baszta. W tle Jezioro Czorsztyńskie oraz na około lasy. Na wprost w oddali zalesione pasma gór.  Z lewej przestań dla żaglówek. Słoneczny dzień z niewielkimi chmurami na niebie.

ul. Zamkowa 2, 34-441 Niedzica Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

tel. +48 182629489
Dunajec Castle in Niedzica is one of the most marvellous buildings of its kind in Poland. It is famous for a secret hiding place discovered there in 1946, which contained a document “written” in talking knots, i.e. the quipus, which had once been used in the Indian Inca Empire in Peru!

It is believed that this document contained information about the location of the hidden Inca gold. Quipu was probably brought to Niedzica by Sebastian – one of the castle’s owners from the Berzeviczy family, who travelled around Peru at the end of the 18th century. Some chambers were turned into a small museum, and visitors can access the viewing terraces of the middle and upper castles. They provide a view of almost the entire Czorsztyńskie lakes, together with the picturesque ruins of the castle in Czorsztyn on the opposite shore, as well as the step and rocky slopes of the Pieniny mountain range.