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Zagroda Sołtysów (The Sołtys Family Homestead) in Jurgów

Zagroda Sołtysów (The Sołtys Family Homestead) in Jurgów

Przy betonowej wąskiej drodze po prawej, za drewnianym płotem ze sztachet i za ogródkiem, stoi na trawie drewniana chałupa z beli, z wysokim dachem, pokrytym deskami, częściowo zasłonięta gałęziami z liśćmi drzewa rosnącego obok zagrody. Z dwoma oknami w szczycie z obramowaniem z desek. Obok okna bliżej drogi wisi drewniana tablica. Po lewej, po drugiej stronie drogi widać część podcieni zabudowania. W głębi pojedyncze drzewa i inne zabudowania. Niebo zachmurzone.

Jurgów 215, 34-532 Jurgów Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182637132
Zagroda Sołtysów consists of two buildings: a residential building with its gable facing the road and a farm building located along its extension. Zagroda Sołtysów was built in 1861 by the great-grandfather of the last owner, Jakub Sołtys. The house was inherited by successive descendants of this family. After World War II, part of the family moved to a newly built house. The old farmstead was purchased in 1982 by the Tatra Museum for an ethnographic exhibition. Contrary to the wealthy Korkosz homestead in Czarna Góra, the house and farm buildings of the Sołtys family are an example of a poor Spiš farm from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

The homestead is made of wood and consists of a house and farm buildings in one line and under one roof. In the residential part there is a hallway, a room and a chamber. A hallway made of round logs – with a haymow, cooperage vessels related to shepherding: buckets for water, watering cans, milk cans and other items needed on the farm – leads to the room. There is one room in the Sołtys' homestead – here they slept, prepared meals, and entertained guests. The walls of the room are made of flat logs, and under the ceiling there is a crossbeam with a carved date of construction and a rosette motif. The room’s arrangement is simple – the stove, which once had an open hearth to cook on with pots on iron footed plates, a bed, a shelf for the dishes, some benches and a table, above which paintings on glass previously hung, later replaced with oil prints. The room is decorated with tapestries and faience vessels hung over the table. Instead of a wardrobe, there are poles hanging above the bed and next to the stove. The farm buildings of the homestead are: a woodshed called a jata, a sheepfold, a threshing floor and a stable. They were built of spruce logs and the roof was covered with laths. The jata was used to store wood and keep sledges and looms over the summer. The sheepfold could accommodate nearly thirty sheep. On the threshing floor, grains were threshed with flails – some work related to the processing of flax was also carried out here. In the living room, an interesting, now unique Jurgów costume from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century is displayed. The clothing showcased inside the poor homestead shows the way of dressing by both wealthy and poor inhabitants of the village.