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Wiśniowa Commune

Wiśniowa Commune

Na wprost za drewnianą bramą i obok furtką z metalowo-drewnianym ogrodzeniem, stoi drewniany kościół. Po lewej przedsionek, dalej wysoka nawa z oknami z łukiem i stromym dachem z wieżyczką z sygnaturką. Przed nią wejście z przedsionkiem. Wkoło wysokie drzewa i bezchmurne niebo. Do kościoła prowadzi droga pod górę, z boku z lewej barierka.

Wiśniowa Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

Its varied terrain characterises Wiśniowa. Located in the belt of the Beskid Wyspowy, the Beskid Makowski and the Wiśnickie Foothills, the area is attractive to tourists in terms of landscape, especially for hiking and cycling enthusiasts.

Socio-cultural ties connect the Commune inhabitants, and tradition is integral to the area. A plenitude of available accommodation allows tourists to discover the charms of the Carpathian countryside, for example, through tasting local cuisine and traditions, as well as architecture and interior design. The Wiśniowa Commune is famous for its rich offer of cultural, religious and sporting events held all year round. Historic churches, a Jewish synagogue, roadside shrines, and an astronomical observatory are cultural highlights of the area. The Commune's important element is the attachment to tradition manifested in the dialect, dances and folk costumes, which have been acknowledged by ethnologists and cultural scientists, as evidenced by numerous publications on culture and tradition.

Wiśniowa is located in the Krzyworzeka Creek Valley. Mountains surround it: the Ciecień Range to the east and the Łysina and Lubomir Ranges to the west. From the top of Mt Ciecień (829 masl), there is a panoramic view of the Beskid Wyspowy and the Gorce Mountains with Turbacz. Beautiful views can be observed from Mt Wierzbanowska (778masl). From the range of Łysina (891masl) and Lubomir (904masl) Ranges along with Kamiennik (818masl) from the west, you can see Podhale, the top of Mt Baba and the chain of the Tatras, visible on clear days all along their entire length. To the north, you can also see blue Lake Dobczyckie.