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St John Vineyard Smardzowice

St John Vineyard Smardzowice

Winnica Świętego Jana w porze jesiennej widziana z lotu ptaka, wokoło pagórki w jesiennej szacie

Maszyce, 32-077 Smardzowice Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 602271945
In recent years, the area around Ojców National Park has become a favourable place for viticulture and the development of enotourism. One such place is the John Vineyard, which was established on the initiative of Anna and Dariusz Kuft. The vineyard is named after the church's patron saint, St John the Baptist. The Church of St John the Baptist in Korzkwo is located nearby.
Having their own vineyard had been a dream of Mr and Mrs Kuft for years, so when a neighbour offered them a lease on land in such a beautiful location, it didn't take them a long time to make a decision.  Around 2,600 vines of different grape varieties are grown in the vineyard: Solaris, Swenson red, Johanniter, Jutrzenka and Seyval Blanc for white wines, and Leon Millot, Marechal Foch and Regent for red wines. Sixty acres of vineyards are just a few minutes from the Korzkiew Castle on the gentle western side of Lipowiec Hill. Thanks to this location, the vineyard is well protected from frost and is illuminated by the warm afternoon sun during the summer. The owners, mindful of the ecosystem of the Ojców National Park, care about ecology and keep chemicals to a minimum. The production takes place a few kilometres away, in a small processing plant in the village of Maszyce. The wines produced by Mr and Mrs Kuft are very successful and in 2017 the wines were offically approved for sale. They have also won several prestigious awards, including a silver medal at the 2018 Galicia Vitis international competition for red wines. Due to its small size, it’s very convenient for visits by small groups. The owners also cordially invite you to the processing room or next door on the grounds of the Korzkiew Castle for a wine tasting complemented by cheese and other local products. The beautiful landscapes of the surrounding Ojców National Park and its abundant wildlife and favourable infrastructure make it a unique place in the Małopolska enotourism world. It is worth mentioning that the St  John Vineyard was included in 2019 in the Małopolska Wine Trail and is a member of the Vintners' Association of the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland.