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Stara Kancelaria Villa, Szczawnica

Stara Kancelaria Villa, Szczawnica

Biała, murowana willa w stylu szwajcarskim z drewnianym zdobionym gankiem na którym wije się żywopłot, pokryta blachą, z prostokątnymi oknami. Na ganek prowadzą po prawej żółte schody. Wokół dużo zieleni. W podpiwniczeniu z małymi oknami drzwi z tabliczką, z napisem -  Lody naturalne. Przed nimi drewniane stoły i ławki. Po lewej stoi niebieska latarnia.

Plac Dietla 3, 34-460 Szczawnica Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

tel. +48 783204379
Stara Kancelaria is one of the first historic villas in Szczawnica, built in 1865 on the initiative and according to the design of Joseph Szalay, the owner of the resort. The building housed the manager's office and their apartment.

When it turned out that the waters in Szczawnica have some medicinal properties, the locals quickly saw new infrastructure being built. The resort owes its dynamic development to Szalay, who came to Szczawnica in 1839, saw its potential and took care of the town for the next 40 years. He was responsible for building the first baths, as well as erecting the first spa buildings, including a villa. The villa, located in the western frontage of Dietla Square, was built in the Alpine style. It is a wooden single-storey building, with the front wall adorned with a porch supported by pillars, and arcades with carved details. It used to serve as the manager's apartment and the office of the Upper Resort. In the 1930s, the building was used by Dr. Wilhelm Kropaczek to see his patients, and the basement was used to store bottled water. From 1948, the house was used by employees. From 1985 to 1990, the ground floor of the building housed a contemporary art gallery. Today it houses a restaurant.