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Lower Drwinka Trail

Lower Drwinka Trail

Szlak Dolnej Drwinki
Scale of difficulty: For beginners
Types of trails: Cycle
Length of trail: 15,8
Drwinia Tourist region: Pogórza

Name of the trail: Lower Drwinka Trail

Beginning of the trail: Uście Solne

End of the trail: Żubrostrada

Total length of the trail: 15.8 km

Difficulty: easy

Lower Drwinka Trail (marked in black) is one of the links that were created during the creation of the tourism product entitled Bicycle Salt Ring Salina Cracoviensis. It’s currently a great option for a cycling trip from the Niepołomice Forest along the Drwinka River to its confluence with the Raba River near Uście Solne. Although mostly gravel, it’s an excellent link between the VeloMetropolis route (EV4), the Vistula Bicycle Route, and the VeloRaba route. When you add to this the new cycling-related investments in the Drwinia municipality (the cycle path between Chobot and Ispina, or the bike & ride parking lots), you get a real network of very easy cycling trips entirely on flat terrain. The trail itself is very well marked and the gravel surface is suitable even for the youngest cyclists. Completed in 2019, the holiday park, with its observation tower accessed by wooden footbridges thrown over the surrounding floodplains, is an additional attraction. It is located exactly midway along the trail, in the immediate vicinity of the football stadium in Drwinia. It’s the largest resting place you’ll find on this trail, although smaller ones can also be found in the Niepołomice Forest

Maximum elevation: 204 m a.s.l.

The lowest point on the route is 180 m a.s.l.

The route runs through the following protected areas:

Natura 2000: Niepołomice Forest

24% of the route runs through forested areas.

Natural attractions:

Natura 2000 – Niepołomice Forest, Grobla Wilderness (Ispina), Raba Valley recreation park in Drwinia

80% of the trail runs on roads without vehicular traffic.

Szczurowa – Drwinia