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“Rome” tavern (Karczma Rzym), Sucha Beskidzka

“Rome” tavern (Karczma Rzym), Sucha Beskidzka

Na wprost widziana z ukosa ciemna, drewniana parterowa  karczma z zadaszonym tarasem z przodu, z barierkami drewnianymi. Z dachem czterospadowym pokrytym gontem. W lewym górnym rogu zwisają gałęzie drzewa. Z tyłu widać drzewa i wzgórza. Na niebie pierzaste chmury.

Rynek 1, 34-200 Sucha Beskidzka Tourist region: Beskid Mały i Makowski

tel. +48 338742797
The tavern in sucha beskidzka dates back to the 18th century. According to local tradition, this is where Master Twardowski was abducted by the Devil and taken to the Moon, which was described by Adam Mickiewicz in his ballad Mrs. Twardowska.
The magnificent, wooden building is very picturesque. Based on stone underpinning, it has a shingled hip roof with characteristic arcades on the front side. As befits a proper tavern, Rome has its own square, while in the traditionally decorated interior you can taste delicious regional dishes. Other local attractions: Renaissance castle in Sucha Beskidzka from the 16th century, known as “the Small Wawel” and housing the Museum of the Sucha Beskidzka Region presenting a regional exhibition. Small church in Lachowice from 1789 located on the Wooden Architecture Route. Within the arcades, you can see the 1846 canvas painting of a Station of Via Dolorosa.