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The farm granary from Bobrek, Wygiełzów

The farm granary from Bobrek, Wygiełzów

Na wprost ukosem drewniany, duży spichlerz. Zbudowany z grubych poziomych bali na rzucie prostokąta. Z małymi drzwiami po lewej. Z podwójnym dachem, krytym blachą. Naokoło trawa i z tyłu drzewa. Na niebie kilka chmur.

ul. Podzamcze 1, 32-551 Wygiełzów Tourist region: Oświęcim i okolice

tel. +48 326134062
tel. +48 326228749
tel. +48 326462810
The farm granary was built in 1779 at a time when the village belonged to the Wielopolski family. It was erected using log construction and modelled on Silesian farm granaries.
The building has the form of an elongated rectangle with a wide façade. It is two-bay and two-storey and is covered by a high hipped roof. At ground-floor level the granary is ringed by a wide overhanging canopy. The door frame leading to the interior is decorated with In Bobrek, there is a road bridge on the Vistula River.