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Widok na miejscowość Siary  z lotu ptaka.

Siary Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

A village located in the municipality of Sękowa, bordering Gorlice. The village is located in the valley of the Siarka stream and is particularly famous for its historic oil extraction. It is here that the oldest oil well in the world is located.

In the village of Siary near Gorlice, oil was extracted as early as in the 17th century. However, the official date of the discovery of the deposits is considered to be 1852, as this is when the first oil well in the world was dug. It was then that Prince Stanisław Jabłonowski founded the world’s first extraction well for this precious fuel. Initially, shafts were dug using only human muscles. This took place between 1852 and 1854. Oil from Siary was delivered to the famous Ignacy Łukasiewicz, who conducted experiments with it. In the early stages of the discovery, this raw material was a lubricant for horse cart wheels and hinges. Crude oil, which itself flowed to the surface of the soil, was also used as a wood preservative. At present, the deposit is running out and most of the old shafts have collapsed. However, persistent explorers can find places where oil still spontaneously rises to the surface.

Siary is worth visiting not only because of the oil mine. There are many more attractions there, such as the palace of Władysław Długosz – a Polish oil tycoon. Originally, the site of the palace complex was occupied by the wooden manor house of the Dembowski family, which dates back to the 14th century. The new residence was built between 1900 and 1908 in the Viennese Art Nouveau style with Neo-Baroque elements. The building burnt down in 1928, but was rebuilt unchanged. The estate remained the property of the Długosz family until 1945. During World War II it was taken over by the Germans, who among other things established a hospital in the manor. In the post-war years, the palace gradually deteriorated. For many years it housed the State Stud Farm (1950–1994). The current owner of the palace complex is Grzegorz Schabiński, who runs there a restaurant and a hotel ‘U Schabińskiej’. Visitors are also invited to take the opportunity to visit the palace and park.

In the village, there was also a historic peasant house from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, but it was moved to the Professor Roman Reinfuss Open-Air Museum of the Pogórze Region in Szymbark.

The blue tourist trail runs through the village, leading northwards through Gorlice to Szalowa, and southwards climbing to Ubocz (627 metres amsl), Huszcza (581 metres amsl), Ostry Dział (675 metres amsl), Magura Małastowska (813 metres amsl) and ending at the PTTK Shepherd’s Hut in Bartne.