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Pod Durbaszką Mountain School and Recreation Centre

Pod Durbaszką Mountain School and Recreation Centre

Turyści podchodzący stromą drogą pod Górski Ośrodek Szkolno-Wypoczynkowy pod Durbaszką

ul. Pod Homolami 4, 34-460 Jaworki Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

tel. +48 182622547
For many, this is one of the most beautiful places in the Małe Pieniny Mountains, picturesquely located at 850 metres above sea level (masl) on a vast clearing on the northern slope of Mt Durbaszka (935 masl) in the immediate vicinity of the Biała Woda Nature Reserve, the Homole Gorge, and Mt Wysoka (the highest peak in the Pieniny). They are very friendly. Lemkos used to graze their herds here.

After World War II and the displacement of the Lemkos, the authorities decided to build a model shepherd's hut at Mt Durbaszka. The model system of sheep farming introduced ‘by force’ (grazing infrastructure and management of products) did not work, and the highlanders who were brought from the Tatra Mountains with their sheep remained faithful to their traditional methods of grazing their sheep and producing cheese, and they erected traditional shepherd's huts on the mountain pastures. In contrast, the model shepherd's huts deteriorated. Scouts finally took over the one under Durbaszka and created a base there. Today, after adaptations and expansion, it houses a mountain hostel and GOPR rescue point. Currently, the facility is owned by the City of Krakow.

Picturesquely integrated into the terrain, the exemplary shepherd's huts, including the one under Durbaszka, are objects of excellent architecture and high-quality workmanship, perfectly reflecting the outstanding craftsmanship of highland carpenters. The Pod Durbaszką Mountain Centre would probably not look the way it does today if it were not for the heart and passion of the pre-war scout Władysław Piliński, known also by his moniker, ‘PUCK’. A legendary scout instructor, Piliński decided to adapt the former shepherd's hut to the needs of his scouts. He succeeded admirably, and the hostel was named after the renowned scoutmaster. The facility offers accommodation (rooms for 2, 3, 4 and 6 people), washbasins and toilets on each floor, with additional toilets and showers on the ground floor, food like at mum's (full board), space for half-day camps, reunions, and even weddings. There are rooms: a TV room, a didactic room, and a fireplace room, as well as a terrace and a place for a bonfire, a basketball and beach volleyball court, and a playground. From here, you can see the Pieniny Mountains and Mt Radziejowa, and from the shelter, it’s not far to Mt Wysoki Wierch. You need not be in great shape to reach the mountain hostel. It takes about 45 minutes to walk from Szczawnica or Jaworek. Organisational information: the mountain hostel welcomes organised school groups, so it is worth asking in advance about the availability of free places.