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Sanctuary of Our Lady of Płaszów – Kraków

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Płaszów – Kraków

Wnętrze kościoła widziane od wejścia. Po bokach drewniane ławki, na nich leżą kartki. Posadzka w kwadraty. Ściany w kolorze żółci, wiszą na nich z jednej i z drugiej strony gabloty z podarowanymi wotami. Sufit bogato malowany w kwadraty z wiszącym kryształowym żyrandolem. Na wprost ołtarz główny ze stołem przykrytym białym obrusem, przyozdobiony kwiatami. Za nim tabernakulum i u góry figura świętego. Po bokach boczne ołtarze z obrazami świętych.

ul. Saska 2, 30-715 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 126565804
The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Płaszów (Kraków) houses the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Płaszów. The faithful make a pilgrimage here to the miracle-working image of the Madonna.

In 1928, the Dehonians built a monastery in Płaszów. In 1930–1931 a small, Modernist reinforced concrete and brick single-nave church designed by Franciszek Mączyński was built next to it. A side altar dedicated to Our Lady of Płaszów was also built in its vicinity. The painting of the Madonna was painted on a linden plank in the 15th century by masters of the Nowy Sącz and Kraków school, which at the time was still influenced by Czech art. The origin of the miraculous image is not fully known. The only known sources claim that before 1850 it was a part of the altar of the Czernichów church. The sources provide no information as to why the badly damaged painting was moved to the church storeroom after 1850. As a result of the first restoration, carried out between 1929 and 1931, the damaged image was saved. In 1991 it was crowned during a special ceremony. The faithful revere Our Lady of Płaszów as the protector of marriage and family life. Inside the church, one can see numerous votive offerings in return for the graces received by those who offered prayers.