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The Shrine of Our Lady of Inwałd

The Shrine of Our Lady of Inwałd

Wnętrze kościoła widziane od tyłu. Dwa rzędy drewnianych ławek z siedzącymi ludźmi, przybrane kwiatami. Na podłodze długi czerwony dywan. Bogato malowany strop, ściany w kolorze żółtym i pomarańczowym, na nich obrazy. Po prawej u góry okrągłe okno z bogato malowanym szerokim łukiem. Kryształowe żyrandole, po dwa po bokach. Ołtarze boczne z obrazami świętych. Na wprost złoty ołtarz główny z cudownym obrazem Matki Bożej.

ul. Wadowicka 110, 34-120 Andrychów Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 338751395
Going a short distance from Wadowice towards Andrychów, you pass by the Parish Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Shrine of Our Lady of Inwałd in Inwałd.
Here, pilgrims pray before the miraculous painting. Its origin is explained in a beautiful legend about the highwaymen who went to Hungary to steal the painting supposedly originating in Scandinavia. Subsequently, they placed it in a chapel supported on poles in a pond in Inwałd. The band of robbers was overpowered by Reverend Augustyn Kordecki, the Abbot of the monastery in Jasna Góra (Częstochowa), who became famous for the defence of the monastery against Swedish invaders. The miraculous painting was lost in fire in 1885, but was quickly recreated based on a 19th century photograph that is kept in the parish to this day. The feasts in the Shrine of Inwałd take place on the 6th of July (the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Mount Carmel) and on the 8th of September (the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary). They are both held on Sundays closest to the exact dates.