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Sanctuary of the Blessed Aniela Salawa – Parish of St Michael the Archangel, Siepraw

Sanctuary of the Blessed Aniela Salawa – Parish of St Michael the Archangel, Siepraw

Pogodny dzień. Po bokach trawniki i uformowane drzewka iglaste. Na wprost alejka prowadząca do kościoła z trójkątną ścianą, z lewej oszkloną, z szerokimi drzwiami i wieżą w formie wysokiego trójkąta z krzyżem u góry.

ul. ks. Jana Przytockiego 33, 32-447 Siepraw Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 122746097
The Sanctuary of Blessed Aniela Salawa is at the Church of St Michael the Archangel. Born in 1881, Aniela entered the Order of Saint Francis in 1913 and took the name Teresa. She gave herself to meditation for years and described her mystical sensations and spiritual experiences in her diary.

The Siepraw parish, which already existed in the 13th century, is one of the oldest in the Cracow archdiocese. The church began with a manorial or wayside chapel near the Market Square on the Hungarian road passing through the village. Construction of the first church began in 1325. It belonged to the Cistercian Abbey in Tyniec and was looked after by the village owners. The present church is a new building of interesting architecture with a soaring triangular tower.

In the side chapel of the temple are kept the relics of the Blessed, who came from Siepraw and was baptised in the local church, and today is venerated by locals and pilgrims. The temple was given sanctuary status in 2004 thanks to a decree by Cardinal Franciszek Macharski.

 Another object of veneration in the church is the image of Our Lady of Siepraw. The image of Mary and the Child dates from the 16th century. It was commissioned by the Jordans and kept in their manorial chapel in Kawęcin, and after the foundation of the Church of St Michael the Archangel in 1620, it was moved to it and, in time, was placed in the new church.

The shrine's indulgences fall on 9 September, the day of the commemoration of Blessed Aniela, and on 11 November, the feast day of Saint Martin, the former patron saint of the Siepraw parish, whose small church is located near the new one, and on the last Sunday in September, the feast day of Saint Michael the Archangel.