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Main Square, Gorlice

Main Square, Gorlice

Duży rynek - widok na dwie pierzeje, przy których stoją kamienice. Na wprost ratusz z wieżą. Na placu ławki, drzewa. Czerwono-niebieskie niebo.

Rynek, 38-300 Gorlice Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 183551280
Gorlice can boast of an urban layout preserved from the times of the town's location in the 14th century.
The spacious four-sided terraced market square has an area of ca. 90 x 95 m with streets extending from its corners. Attention is also attracted by the impressive Town Hall, where Łukasiewicz’s pharmacy was located in the oldest section at the corner. Set up at the Market Square in 2013, the bench of Ignacy Łukasiewicz  is the work of an artist, sculptor, painter and medal minter, Zdzisław Tohl from Przemyśl. The western frontage of the market square consists of historic bourgeois tenement buildings  from the 18th and the 19th century. It is worth taking a look at the tenement of the Artwiński Family located on the corner of the Wąska Street and the Market Square (number 6) and at the neighbouring tenement which was built in the 18th century (number 7). The tenement of the Artwiński Family dates back to the 17th century and was rebuilt in the 19th century. Its entrance portal is decorated with an original low relief of dolphins under the “Tree of Life”. Its windows are enriched by images of eagles and a lion under a tree. Walking around the market square in Gorlice it is worth to venture into Wąska and Piekarska streets running out of its corners. At 7 Wąska Street, there is the bourgeois house of the tiler Grabiec – Grabczyński, built in 1780 and rebuilt in the classic style in 1874,. Today the building is the seat of the Regional Museum of the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society (PTTK). The front wall of the building is decorated with a sgraffito "Soldiers of Gorlice Battle". At 5 Piekarska Street, we find another address worth visiting for the tenement house from the end of the 18th century.