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Stone-Mushroom Nature Reserve

Stone-Mushroom Nature Reserve

Kamień w unikatowej formie grzyba sprzed 60 milionów lat w Rezerwacie Przyrody Kamień-Grzyb.

Połom Duży Tourist region: Pogórza

How many mysterious shapes are hidden in the forests, valleys and ravines of Małopolska? One such specimen is a stone resembling a mushroom, which was formed around 60 million years ago at the bottom of the sea and belongs to the Chronów Rocks group, which we can admire today in the Bochnia district in the village of Chronów. Interestingly, there is a shelter under the eaves of one of the stone walls.
The reserve area is about two hectares, where you can walk and relax in nature. The reserve gets its name from a massive rock that resembles a mushroom. Its height reaches 7 metres, the circumference of the cap is as high as 27 metres, and the circumference of the shaft is 17 metres. Next to the stone mushroom, one can see an engraved sequence of signs, Latin inscriptions and numbers – these are the names of the monks of Wiśnicz, who marked their presence here in this way. Legend has it that the stone was thrown by the devil, who wanted to destroy the church in Nowy Wiśnicz. However, thanks to the prayers of the monks, the stone fell into the nearby forest without harming anyone and has been lying there ever since. In fact, it was formed millions of years ago from the sediment of gravel, sand and silt brought to the sea by rivers. During a visit to the reserve, you can breathe in the beech forest, feast your eyes on the fresh greenery and listen to the voices of the birds.