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Dunajec Gorge Pieniny

Dunajec Gorge Pieniny

Mężczyznę ubranego w niebieską kamizelkę z motywem regionalnym (kwiaty oraz cekiny), na głowie ma kapelusz czarny z muszelkami, w ręku trzyma kij którym odpycha tratwę która płynie po Dunajcu, w tle widok na szczyt Trzech Koron

Sromowce Niżne Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

There are few places in the world where a river suddenly changes course, flows in the opposite direction and turns back. We have one of the most beautiful ones at home, in the Małopolska region. This is the Dunajec Gorge in the Pieniny Mountains.
Scientists are still investigating when, why, and how this breakthrough occurred. But that, after all, is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that natural processes have created a true wonder of nature, a breathtaking place, an attraction on a world scale. Today it is the most characteristic and the most visited place in the Pieniny. It can be admired from the land as well as from the river. The Pieniny Gorge consists of seven highly picturesque meanders of the Dunajec River inscribed in a ravine with walls as high as 500 metres. It is about eight kilometres long but only three kilometres in a straight line, narrowing to a dozen metres in places. It starts just below Sromowce Niżne and ends in Szczawnica. It can be travelled on foot, by bicycle or by raft under the guidance of a raftsman. The rafting was already popular in the first half of the 19th century when it was used by tourists from Szczawnica and visitors to the castles in Niedzica and Czorsztyn.