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Punkt Informacji Turystycznej Czorsztyn

Tourist Information Point Czorsztyn

Na pierwszym planie krzewy z różowymi kwiatami, a za nim kilkupiętrowy budynek Willi Jasnej w Czorsztynie. Nad budynkiem widnieje niebieskie niebo.

ul. Drohojowskich 7, 34-440 Czorsztyn

tel. +48 182650366
tel. +48 603133283
Czorsztyn, situated on the wide-spread Czorsztyńskie Lake, is one of the most beautiful pearls of Małopolska. Not only does it have wonderfully beautiful landscapes, intriguing and mysterious places and captivating nature, but it has a unique heritage.

Lake Czorsztyńskie,tucked between the picturesque Pieniny and Gorce Mountains, was created when a dam was built on the Dunajec River (after a dam was first built in nearby Niedzica). Its waters conceal former settlements (their inhabitants now live in the areas above), and a charming open-air museum on the northern shore of the Lake on the Stylchyn Peninsula features exhibits about the now-underwater settlements. The Czorsztyn Kluszkowce settlement shows houses from villages inundated by the lake (Maniowy, Kluszkowce, Czorsztyn).

In these places,  the shores of the lake have easily accessible, beaches, swimming sites and well-equipped marinas. So you can sunbathe, sail, dive, swim and take a boat cruise.

What else? You must climb the volcanic Mt Wdżar (famous  for its enchanting panoramas of the Tatra Mountains, the Pieniny Mountains, the Gorce Mountains and Lake Czorsztyn, and for its magnetic anomalies that make  compasses go haywire), wander along the beautiful trails of the Pieniny National Park, and scale the approaches to two castles towering over Czorsztyn Lake and Niedzica. The Czorsztyn stronghold, known by the beautiful name 'Wronin', is said to hold priceless treasures... The Niedzica fortress, on the other hand, is haunted by the ghost of Urima, a beautiful Inca princess.  Cyclists are sure to be delighted by the panoramas that can be admired from the VeloCzorsztyn route, considered one of Poland’s most beautiful bicycle routes.

Many of the above-mentioned attractions are part of the ecomuseum ‘Dziedzina Dunajca' — a unique network of sites and places in the Dunajec Valley, Pieniny, Gorce, Podhale, and Spis — that preserves and presents artefacts of the local natural and cultural-historical heritage.

The Tourist Information Point (PIT) in Czorsztyn is also where you can obtain a lot of practical information and get free guides, folders, leaflets, maps and plans in several languages as well as tips and advice about the most interesting routes and places. Like all PITs, it cooperates with local, regional and national institutions. Its staff have expert knowledge of the sights, trails, attractions and events and will regale you with some colourful local lore. They will also suggest a few good restaurants and places to stay for the night..

A lot of information about the local sights can also be found on the website. There you will also find a database of accommodation facilities, information on attractions, trails, monuments, nature, and current events.

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