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Villages of the World – Global Education Park

Villages of the World – Global Education Park

Zdjęcie dronowe przedstawia mapę świata z odwzorowanymi kontynentami Ziemi z oznaczonymi różnymi kolorami państwami.

Tyniecka 39, 30-323 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 122692333
The area of about 3 ha is covered with buildings characteristic of different regions of the world, equipped with everyday objects. Each hut includes exhibits, photos and multimedia content that help children increase their knowledge about the cultural and social diversity of the world.
Here you can see the traditional Ghana village, a Peruvian hut, a tipi characteristic for Indigenous peoples of the Americas, Arctic igloo, a Mongolian yurt and a Papua stilt house. Thanks to photographs and various exhibits from distant corners of the world, and to the possibility of meeting people who worked in these places, you can experience different cultures and traditions in a tangible way. It’s an opportunity to feel different realities, inspiring empathy and desire to cooperation. Visitors are invited for individual visits (audio-guides rental available) during the week, while on Saturday and Sunday they can enjoy a guided tour (13:30, 15:00, 16:30, the tour takes about 60 minutes. The guide will lead the travel around the world when there are at least 8 visitors).