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Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, Paczółtowice

Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, Paczółtowice

Na wprost za trawnikiem i alejką z kamieni, drewniany kościół z szeroką, kwadratową wieżą z baniastym hełmem. Dalej ledwo widoczna nawa z wieżyczką na dachu krytym gontem. Po prawej niska dobudówka. Na około kilka liściastych drzew i z tyłu kamienny mur. Niebo z pierzastymi chmurami.

Paczółtowice 14, 32-065 Krzeszowice Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

tel. +48 122829091
A charming, fir church in Paczółtowice was built in 1510.
Its characteristic, massive tower was added later, probably in the 18th century, which is indicated by its sphere-shaped Baroque dome. The interior is decorated with polychromes, mainly from the 19th century. Fragments of 17th century wall paintings survived only the northern wall of the chancel and nave. The precious main altar (1604) features the locally venerated Gothic painting of the Virgin Mary of Paczółtowice. The historic furnishings include a bronze crucifix and baptismal font, as well as a large paschal candle holder, which was made of black Dębnik marble, along with a few epitaphs set in the church wall.