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The Orawa Ethnographic Park Museum in Zubrzyca Górna

The Orawa Ethnographic Park Museum in Zubrzyca Górna

Widok z lotu ptaka na kilka drewnianych chałup w skansenie, Na około dwóch chałup na dole droga, od niej ciągnie się alejka wzdłuż kolejnych chałup wyżej. Pomiędzy chałupami kilka drzew liściastych i trawa. Po prawej i w tle zalesione wzgórza pod niebem z kilkoma kłębiastymi chmurami.

34-484 Zubrzyca Górna Tourist region: Beskid Żywiecki i Orawa

tel. +48 182852709
The open-air museum in Zubrzyca is a place with a soul. Various examples of Orawa architecture have been gathered in the vast area resembling a picturesque landscape park.

The most characteristic are huts with a high - that is, residential houses with a built-up storey, serving as a farm (usually used as a granary). The first floor is surrounded by a gallery, called the pre-exhibition, to which the stairs located outside the building lead. Other interesting objects of the open-air museum include forge, sawmill, fulling mill and oil mill. There is also a picturesque apiary with interesting types of hives. Most of the residential buildings have thematic exhibitions introducing everyday life in Orawa. In the beautiful Moniak's manor from the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, an exhibition of 19th-century appliances, furniture and utensils was organised. In addition to permanent exhibitions, the open-air museum organises temporary and cyclical meetings aimed at preserving local customs, traditions and folklore, such as the Blueberry Festival, a competition for a traditional Easter basket or Orawa All Souls' Day. It is worth following the Park's website so as not to miss them.