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To Diablak

To Diablak

Widok na szczyt Babiej Góry. Po niżej grupa turystów schodząca ze szczytu. W oddali wschód słońca.
Types of trails: Hiking
Length of trail: 13,9 km
Zubrzyca Górna Tourist region: Beskid Żywiecki i Orawa
The lonely Babia Góra mountain dominates over the lower peaks and deep valleys, which makes it an excellent vantage point. Thanks to the road running through the Krowiarki pass, climbing to the tope of the highest peak of the massif – Diablak (1725 m asl) – is quick and easy, though quite steep. The route leads through the forest along a red trail, climbing steeply up the Sokolica mountain, where you will find an excellent viewing area. Continue for a little longer through the forest, and then enter the thickets of dwarf mountain pine. Conquer numerous degrees of the ridge and you will eventually reach the rocky dome of Diablak. After you’ve admired the panorama stretching from the peak, descend down the red trail to the Brona pass. The signs then leave the ridge, heading deep down into the forest and the refuge on Markowe Szczawiny. Once there, follow the blue signs to the original starting point, i.e. the Krowiarki pass.
Przełęcz Krowiarki – Sokolica – Diablak – Przełęcz Brona – Markowe - Szczawiny – Przełęcz Krowiarki