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Municipal Museum in Sucha Beskidzka

Municipal Museum in Sucha Beskidzka

Na pierwszym planie widoczne są obrazy w czarnych ramkach wiszące na białych ścianach, lustro nad białym kominkiem oraz krzesła i stolik. Po prawej pod ścianą stoi ozdobna kanapa a za nią krzesło. Podłoga jest bardzo ozdobna z ułożonym wzorem. Pod sufitem widać część żyrandola na świeczki.

ul. Zamkowa 1, 34-200 Sucha Beskidzka Tourist region: Beskid Żywiecki i Orawa

tel. +48 338742605
Hardly any of the Polish castles deserves the title of the “small Wawel” as much as the residence in Sucha Beskidzka. Its Renaissance and Baroque interior houses the Municipal Museum. The permanent exhibition includes the collection of modern paintings, comprising part of a precious painting collection assembled by the Żywiec Habsburg family, as well as a arms collection including cold weapon and firearms. You can also see the reconstructions of Renaissance and Baroque dresses and exhibits illustrating the history of the town and the castle. In some rooms temporary exhibitions are organised and in the garden pavilion you can see the ethnographic collection from the region.
Permanent exhibitions include a part of the collection of paintings gathered by the Żywiec Habsburgs along with a collection of cold weapons and firearms. The museum presents also an archaeological exhibition The Oldest Settlement in the Valley of the Skawa River and an exhibition about the history of the town and the Babia Góra region (an ethnographic collection in the Gardener’s House). Since October 2018, the museum has presented a collection of paintings, graphic art, sculptures and artistic craft gathered by Maria and Emil Zegadłowicz and handed over to the Sucha Beskidzka Town Museum by the Czartak Foundation.