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Aleksander Kłosiński Museum in Kęty

Aleksander Kłosiński Museum in Kęty

Wnętrze muzeum. Jasna sala z eksponatami historycznymi. Po lewej na ścianie wiszą herby. Pod nimi od lewej drewniane eksponaty z dwoma kołami. Dalej w gablocie postać mężczyzny w stroju żołnierskim. Na środku duża szklana gablota z kartkami i zdjęciami. Po prawej makieta w gablocie. Nad nią na ścianie wisi godło Polski, niżej dokumenty. Dalej na ścianach wiszą obrazy świętych i krzyże oraz drewniana figura. Za nią rzeźbione postacie. Na wprost za koleją gablotą przejście z łukiem do kolejnego pomieszczenia.

ul. Rynek 16, 32-650 Kęty Tourist region: Oświęcim i okolice

tel. +48 338453107
This is a regional museum which collects exhibits related to the history and former daily life of Kęty and its inhabitants. Among them is St. John Cantius, Blessed Ludwika Szczęsna and the woodcarver Stanisław Jarząbek.

It all started with Aleksander Kłosiński, a craftsman and educator with a great passion for collecting. It was he who, out of his love for tradition, culture and history, collected valuable old documents, guild books, militaria and works of art. In his last will, he bequeathed to the city and its inhabitants the collection of historical memorabilia he had gathered throughout his life that forms the core of the museum's collections today. This is how this collection was created, which today takes us back to the city's past. All objects exhibited in the museum come from Kęty houses and were donated by the inhabitants of Kęty: local furniture, small household appliances, tools of craftsmen, musical instruments as well as folk costumes and guild chests. Visitors will see, among others, a traditional peasant's chamber and a 19th-century bourgeois drawing room. In the museum, you can also learn about the details of Józef Piłsudski's stay in Kęty with the 1st Brigade of the Polish Legions at the beginning of 1915. The museum also organises educational meetings and workshops.